“I started in Musicals. My first professional experience was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz in Palm Springs.” – Lindsay Hartley Shirt: Banana Republic…

“I started in Musicals. My first professional experience was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz in Palm Springs.” – Lindsay Hartley Shirt: Banana Republic…
There are about a hundred and one ways to wear a boring white shirt. This is one of my favorite pairings. Shirt: jcrew Tank:…
A visit to Nice would not be complete without a trip to The Musée Matisse. The museum is located in the Villa des Arénes, a…
Cannes is a stylish seaside metropolis that originated as a small fishing village sometime around 42BC. Over time wealthy travelers and aristocrats fell in love…
To match or not to match, that is the question… There is something profoundly individualistic about wearing items of clothing that bear no relationship to…
I was recently introduced to an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Revenge of the anti it-bag.” In this article it highlights the…
There is nothing more infinitely inspiring on a warm spring day than a bright yellow blazer. Paired with distressed jeans and colorful heals, this combination…
Spring time is the perfect time to experiment with color choices and slowly shed those monochromatic black and gray hues. One of my favorite ways…
Sunglasses: Asos Coat: j.crew Purse: rebeccaminkoff